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Entering GUI code

Glossary Item Box


Once the main GUI application has been created and a dialog configured (see Interfacing a Blueprint Library to a GUI) entering GUI code consists of the following operations:

  1. Notifying a dialog window about a CLIP event occurring (e.g. notification of data change requiring display update)
  2. Accessing CLIP objects from outside CLIP (e.g. writing to stores, signaling semaphores from the dialog window)
  3. Sending CLIP diagnostics to a dialog window

Handling CLIP Events in a Dialog Window

To enter call-back function code simply select Edit Code -> Execute from the pop-up menu, this will open the appropriate file.


For call-back functions the main processing is done in the harness function Execute().

The purpose of the Execute function is to extract the necessary data from the call-back function's trigger connection and pass it to the appropriate function provided by the dialog for rendering the output or otherwise processing it within the GUI.  Remember that code within a call-back function always executes within the GUI thread and therefore it is not advisable to undertake complex processing at this stage (this should be extracted and performed in a separate method).